When yesterday comes a knocking ✊

You remind me of what used to be and could’ve been. A yesterday that seemed so sure, a tomorrow that was so certain. My hand in yours and all worries faded. My perfect escape from a fragile reality.

Now you threaten the one I have and yours too. We both live in worlds apart, cast in stone with our heart keepers. Worlds we built without each other, happy ones for the most part.

Your unannounced return creates a flutter I barely remember but sets me aglow. Heart summersaults that keep me on edge. We revived a side of us that was long buried; yet we’re both eager to explore.

An excavation that may lead to buried treasures at the end of the tunnel. But that set to collapse the castles we built above us. Our legal duty binds us. Our emotional butterflies grow restless encaged. Your moral compass points due South; while mine sounds the alarm for true North.

Yes, to dream of what was and what could have been. Yes, to silently delve in unchartered waters. Yes, to prance on the wild side and seek relief from uncertainty. The excitement beckons, curiosity seeks us out, the unknown summons our whet appetites.

But my castle firmly established, my world and it’s hinges designed by choice. It’s decorations created in love. It’s moat deeply formed by security.

All a stern reminder that what was has passed. What could’ve been is not. The unknown treasures buried beyond our reach. The allure, a distorted illusion of inaccurate record, warped emotions, forgotten truths of the people we no longer are.

I bid you and our yesterdays goodbye. I pay a deaf ear to the purported future that could be. I stand aware, ever-present in my now. As ruler of my castle and keeper of my beloved one’s heart. I stand at the post of my watchtower affirmed of my position.

I bow not to winds of yesterday, or delusions of unauthenticated tomorrows. I stand upright sure of my today and focused solely on my forever after.